
Launch of Local List helps protect Tewkesbury Borough’s heritage

Launch of Local List helps protect Tewkesbury Borough’s heritage

Tewkesbury Borough Council is encouraging residents to help to preserve the local area’s heritage and unique character.

Thanks to a grant from the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government, the council is inviting people to nominate buildings or areas of local importance which they think should be included in the Local Heritage List.

Local heritage listing is a means for a community and a local authority to jointly identify heritage assets that are valued for their distinctive local significance. The assets may not be of sufficient national importance to be designated as Listed Buildings, but are nevertheless of local historical, archaeological or architectural interes

Heritage assets are not limited to buildings – they can also be monuments, landmarks or even street furniture. The List provides clarity on the location of these assets and what it is about them that is significant, for example their relation to the social and economic history of the area, or their age, design or style.

While local listing provides no additional planning controls, and assets are not protected by law, the fact that a building or site is on a local list does give it greater protection. Whenever decisions are made on development proposals which affect these assets, their significance and preservation must be given special consideration during the planning process.

Councillor Mel Gore, lead member for built environment, said: “Tewkesbury Borough residents are rightfully proud of the area’s rich history. I urge anyone who is aware of any unlisted buildings, sites or areas that they feel are significant to our unique heritage to fill out a nomination form and get them on the Local List. This is a wonderful opportunity to become personally involved in helping to preserve the borough’s historic character.”

For more information on the Local Heritage List’s selection criteria, and to nominate a building, site or area, visit