
The Holiday Activity Fund will be running from 25 March 2024 to 5 April 2024

The Holiday Activity Fund will be running from 25 March 2024 to 5 April 2024

This provides activities for children and young people in Gloucestershire with food over the spring holiday period.

You’ll be able to view activities in your area from Monday 4 March and bookings will go live from midday on Monday 11 March.

Please find the link below to help promote the holiday activity programme. Holiday activities and food programme (HAF) | Gloucestershire County Council

There is also a link to the HAF newsletter, cooking recipes with short video links, cooking on a budget ideas for families and other resources for children, young people and families.

This is funded by the Department of Education.  The criteria for this service is for:

  • Children from reception to year 11.
  • Families in receipt of benefits related free school meals.
  • There is a 15% attendance flexibility for those who do not meet the criteria but are considered vulnerable e.g. have a special educational need, disability, are in care or a care leaver.
  • There is also a discretionary small additional fund to make the scheme available to any child in Gloucestershire where there is capacity.

Please can you help share this information in your communities so anyone wishing to take it up can get to pre-screen and book the activities of choice by the 11 March.

Many Thanks

Lesa West

Community & Place Development Officer

North West Area

Tewkesbury Borough Council

Tel: 01684 272058
