The playing field was donated to the village in the 1990s and is owned by the Parish Council.
It was originally let by the Parish Council to the Orchard Park Playing Field Committee (as a playing field association) which oversaw the initial installation of play equipment and the early years of the playing field’s use. Eventually, the Committee ceased to exist and the Parish Council assumed full responsibility for the facility.
This remains the case today with the council arranging and funding maintenance, insurance and general safety. The playing field was upgraded a few years ago thanks to the enthusiasm of villagers, with a sub-committee organising fund raising and grants to provide new and replacement equipment.
Further equipment will be provided or replaced as and when funds become available.
The playing field is intended to be an ‘all-age’ facility and, in addition to children’s play equipment, includes a boules piste for adults to use at any time.
It is also used for occasional events organised by the Parish Council but may be used by any group in the village by prior arrangement with the Parish Council.
The Parish Clerk