Highway News

Highway News

Carriageway Works at Manor Farm, Alstone. Tewkesbury, GL20 8JD


From 20/2/23 for 3 weeks

Highways News


In accordance with the requirements of the residential planning permissions on land south of
the A46 adjacent the M5. Robert Hitchins in consultation and agreement with National
Highways and Gloucestershire County Council have engaged Montel Civil Engineering to
carry-out improvements to the M5 J9 northbound off slip. These works as detailed below
combined with the improvements presently under construction on the A46 from the east of J9
to Fiddington Lane will create improvements to the local highway network.
Montel will be widening the M5 J9 northbound off slip, and undertaking works on the
roundabout to increase overall vehicle capacity. These short-term works will ensure any
increase in traffic due to Robert Hitchins adjacent developments just south of the A46, which
include a new garden centre, retail outlet and residential developments, does not impact the
local area.

Stakeholder letter M5 J9